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How to Improve Personal Power: 14 Tips to Influence November 25, 2021 – Posted in: Personal potential

Personal developement subjects often talk about how to improve personal power but what does this actually look like considering that we are all born with different DNA, personality characteristics, and upbringing? While there are a number of interesting personality tests to chose from, before we jump into getting to know ourselves at a deeper lever to bring about change, we must first decide exactly how we want to develop.  For what reason do we want…

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video games and resources Continue reading...

How to manage personal resources (video games and life) June 28, 2021 – Posted in: Personal potential

In today’s world it can be difficult to make progress. Even with a master plan, progress in the real world is tough. Making progress in life takes time.  That new career, house, or car can sometimes seem decades away. That’s why learning how to manage personal resources (video games and life is so important if you want to be successful. . This is exactly why people often waste time, energy, and money on a daily…

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Success Psychology and it’s Role in Success or Failure December 17, 2020 – Posted in: Personal potential

Success Psychology: A Test of the Will Can we train our psychology to be predisposed to success? What is success psychology and how does the psychology of success play in our chances of reaching our goals? This has been the subject of many business leaders to discovery the psychology of success and failure. Over time we have are getting closer to answers to success psychology and it’s role in success The idea that we can…

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How to Identify and Reach Personal Potential December 10, 2020 – Posted in: Personal potential

What is personal potential and How to identify and reach personal potential? In this article we are going to talk about how to identify and reach personal potential.  Included inside will be a evaluation on how to reach your potential and identifying your potential. What does personal potential mean? Personal potential isn’t a complicated idea. It just means that you have certain potential that might be realised given the right application and circumstances. This is…

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effective professional coaching Continue reading...

Why it’s important to be Effective, Efficient, and Productive August 15, 2020 – Posted in: Personal potential

What’s the difference between effective, efficient, or Productive? How can these things be increased? Let’s Dive in… But before we get into specifics let’s clarify the difference between productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness because although they are very similar, they’re not exactly the same thing.performance coach The term, Productivity refers to the quantity of work produced by a team or individual. Efficiency on the other hand refers to the resources used to produce that work. The…

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samurai assassin mentality Continue reading...

The samurai assassin mentality March 23, 2020 – Posted in: Personal potential

The samurai assassin mentality explained In this article, I’m not talking about violence.  The Samurai warrior or assassin is somone who defeats evil in such a way that it can never come back as before.  A samurai assassin understands that in order to put an end to something, one must accept all the consequences that come with cutting the head off a problem. An assassin changes reality and puts an end to something. This is…

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Where to start when you’re broke: Money Problems May 23, 2014 – Posted in: Personal potential

The good news is it doesn’t matter how broke you are.  You’re never too broke to find a job. You just need to improve your situation, your skills, and your plan!  The sad reality is that many of us start off with almost nothing but we don’t need to finish that way.  Let’s explore our options on Where to start when you’re broke. 1) Spend less than you earn. There are two avenues to improving your…

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